

How long does it take to charge?


Charging times vary depending on the capacity and charge state of your EV’s battery, as well as the power of the charger.

Most bp pulse charging stations deliver charging speeds up to 75 kilowatts, which to our understanding can provide up to 75 kilometres of range in 10 minutes, but keep in mind charging speeds slow down as the battery gets closer to full. bp is upgrading some of its chargers to 150 kilowatts, so you can charge your car even faster.

While you’re charging your EV, the bp pulse app shows how much energy you’ve delivered into the battery and its current charge level. The app can also notify you when the charge is complete, so you’re free to wander off and take advantage of the great facilities at bp service centres and charging stations, such as the fabulous wildbean cafe where a barista is ready and waiting to take your coffee order.

16A 32A RFID Card EV Wallbox Charger With IEC 62196-2 Charging Outlet

Post time: Dec-12-2023